Four Faces Of A Leader I “Steward”
As I was thinking about you this week I wanted to ask you a question. What does life mean to you? Career, family, money, fame or maybe sports. In all the years I’ve lived, this principle rings true, life is not what you have it’s what you do with what you have.
In the year 2000 I took a short sabbatical to prepare for the second half of my season as what was then called the Potomac District Council of the Assemblies of God. During the Sabbatical I visited with Dr. Howard Hendricks the mentoring guru of my day and ask him what he would say to ministers to encourage them if he were in my role. He paused for a moment and then said, “Your Potential is my Mission”. So for the final years of my leadership role as District Superintendent I often said to those I served “Your Potential is my Mission”.
As we turn today to the third face of a leader - STEWARD - which has to do with competency I want to zero in on this idea Your Potential is my Mission.
Just imagine if every parent often said to their children as they are growing up Your Potential is my Mission and then backed it up with actions. It’s powerful when the people who know us best believe in us the most. This idea could gain strength in a family as grandparents echoed those words.
Or if every teacher often reminded their students that Your Potential is my Mission. I know you can think of a teacher right now who positively influenced you with this idea even if they never used those exact words. My first grade teacher Mrs. Dobson comes to mind.
And if every coach included this idea from time to time in their pep talks. I can still hear my little league coach Pappy Turknick say come on boys you can win this game.
What if every pastor laced their messages with this transformational idea that really began with Jesus when he chose the twelve disciples. For three years he taught them and promised to send them the power of the Holy Spirit to help reach their potential. And the same is promised to us.
Life is not about how much we have.
It’s about what we do with what we have. Jesus said whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much. Let’s start with what we have and make a difference in our world with the face of a good Steward.
And that’s Hope on the Rise for Now!